Monday, October 19, 2015

Sites that Pay You To Blog (Final Part)

The list continues

heliumEarn a share of the advertising money earned here at Helium. If you write well, and write often, you earn even more recognition and reward.

loudlaunch   If your blog and interests are aligned with an advertiser’s campaign then you can do your own research and write about them in exchange for pay—not in exchange for a pre-determined outcome but for a fair assessment.

squidoo Every lens carries Google AdSense ads. Those are used to generate royalties for the whole co-op (ie, everyone gets a cut). If you want to increase your direct royalties, though, you should consider adding commercial modules that the visitors to your lenses will appreciate.

in blog ads You’ve been writing about web sites, products, services and companies for years, now you you can also get paid for it. With our system, you get paid for each post request you fulfill.

weblog inc is one of the top 5 personal finance blogs. We give our bloggers 100% of the advertising revenue they earn on their blog posts.

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