Monday, October 26, 2015

Samsung Releases its Q3 Report

The quarterly earnings report has been released by Samusng and as expected has come up with some impressionable numbers.
In the last quarter their total revenue was 52.18 trillion Won (47.rg billion $ billion)i.e 26 % increase over last year.Moreover,operating profits are 8.12 trillion won(7:4 $ billion),a whooping 91 % increase over last year.

Samsung's mobile communication Department  has seen some strong growth, contributing to 26.25 trillion won ($23.9 billion) to the overall revenue of the company. The display department also did well this time, with revenue of 8.46 trillion won ($7.7 billion) and operating profits of 1.09 trillion won ($1 billion), a 19 percent increase over last year.

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