Showing posts with label news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

iPhone 5 users dominate Galaxy S3 users in web traffic!

 The on-going battle between Apple’s latest device, the iPhone 5 and Samsung’s forerunner, the Samsung  Galaxy S3, has produced a new winner in the latest contest. Recently, a study was carried out by Chitika to find out which of the phones had more web traffic and the results they got proved to be very interesting.

iphone 5 vs galaxy s3
The Galaxy S3 Sapphire Black
 The expectation had been that the Samsung Galaxy S3 would have garnered another win seeing as how it was released in late May and the iPhone 5 was launched only a few weeks ago. However, according to the study performed by Chitika, that is not the case. In their study it became clear that the iPhone 5 won over the Galaxy S3! Or rather, the users did. Let us explain...

 So far, the Samsung has managed to sell over 20 million units of the Galaxy S3 in comparison to the 5 million iPhone 5’s that have been sold since it was launched 3 weeks ago. In addition, the sales of the Galaxy S3 are still more than those of the iPhone 5 according to recent reports. Even with those outstanding numbers, the study revealed that users of the iPhone 5 are more active than the users of the Samsung Galaxy S3 with regard to web traffic. 

iphone 5 better than galaxy s3
The iPhone 5
 The Chitika analysis was carried out over a 7-day period between October 3rd, 2015 and October 9th, 2015. The analysis was based on a large number of mobile advertisement impressions from both the iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S3. From those statistics, the analysts were able to track the difference in Internet traffic volumes between the two phones.

 It is expected that more studies will be conducted by Chitika as well as other companies to track various statistics for phones or devices that have been launched recently. The statistics are important because from them we are able to see how mobile development is growing. It is assumed that with time, mobile usage will surpass that of the PC, which may one day become obsolete. 

 Mobile advertisements are going to hold more weight as tablets and smartphones become increasingly available. From the data received by Chitika, it can be seen that search engines like Google would make more profits from mobile advertisements on the iPhone 5 rather than on the Samsung Galaxy S3.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

iPad Mini to be Presented this month!

 There have been rumors circulating for months about the pending release of Apple’s new iPad Mini. Numerous devices are scheduled to be released in October and as the speculation goes, the iPad Mini is expected to be one of those devices.

 Fortune had previously predicted that Apple would announce the release of the smaller iPad during an event on 17th October, 2015. The invites to the reporters were to go out on the 10th however the date has been changed to October 23rd. According to a very reliable technology website on all things Apple, the company is set to reveal the iPad Mini at a media event to be held in the San Francisco Bay Area.

iPad Mini release

 The change of date from the 17th to the 23rd seems to make more sense since it would be too soon for Apple to announce their release of the new iPad since the invites have not yet been sent out. In addition, October 24th, 2015 is the set date for the launch of Windows 8 from Microsoft as well as the release of Microsoft’s Surface tablet later on in the week. Furthermore, Apple is to release its annual earnings on October 25th, which means that it would be better for the company to announce the release of the iPad Mini before then.

 The iPad Mini will come with 3G/4G cellular connectivity, a smaller screen measuring 7.85 inches and a Lightning Dock Connector that is the same as the one on the new iPhone 5. Images of the smaller iPad have been doing the rounds on the Internet following a report from The Wall Street Journal a couple of weeks ago that mass production of the iPad Mini has already begun.

 In September, Amazon’s new Kindle Fire HD was released starting at $199. The same price was quoted for the Google and Asus’ Nexus 7, which was released in June. About two weeks ago, Barnes & Noble launched the Nook HD and following the trend, it also started at $199. Although no price has been quoted for the iPad Mini, it is safe to assume that it might fall within this price range. So far, Apple has refused to comment on ABC News on the rumors about the iPad Mini. However, if the rumors are true, then more information can be expected from the company very soon.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

iPhone 5 India Release Date

iPhone 5 India Release Date
 According to reports by BGR India, Apple’s latest device, the iPhone 5, will be launched on October 26th, 2015. It is actually believed that Apple will introduce the phones in numerous countries in two phases-the first phase will begin on October 19th and the second phase will begin on October 26th, which is when the phones will arrive in India. However, the company refused to comment on the much-awaited iPhone 5 launch in India. 

 The Delhi-based executive editor of BGR India, Rajat Agrawal, confirmed that the iPhone 5 will indeed be launched on the last Friday of this month in India. This launch will differ from previous Apple launches because the company claims that they will handle the sales of the device directly other than partnering with Indian telecom firms like Aircel or Airtel. However, Mr. Agrawal said that he is uncertain about the number of units that will arrive in India due to the shortage of iPhone 5’s that Apple has been facing.

 The price of the new iPhone 5 is yet to be set though most experts concur that the basic model will cost approximately Rs 45,000. This estimated cost is based on last year’s launch price for the iPhone 4S and the cost of an unlocked iPhone 5 in nations like Singapore, which is about Rs 43,600. 
iPhone 5 India Price
The iPhone 5 is selling like wildfire in the USA!
  After the new iOS device was launched in the United States in September, mixed reviews from customers were received as some claimed that it was boring while other stated that the product was amazing. The iPhone 5 was available in other countries such as Britain, Australia, Hong Kong, France, Japan, Germany, Singapore and Canada by September 21st, 2015. In addition to those, the company plans to launch the device in 100 countries as soon as possible, which will make it the fastest unveiling of any iPhone so far. 

 The release of the iPhone 5 in India before the Diwali festival is expected to increase its sales. According to an IDC report, India doesn’t have the subsidized pricing benefits that are available in other markets and therefore the cost of purchasing this iPhone and its accessories will be very high. Due to this reason, it can be assumed that it will take a while before Apple becomes a key player in the telecommunications industry in India regardless of whether or not the sales of the new iPhone will surpass those of the iPhone 4S.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

iPhone 5 Supply Running Short! Shortage may damage Apple!

 The current shortage of iPhone 5’s has caused great problems for Apple with regard to its investors and its customers as a whole. Gene Munster, the research analyst and managing director at Piper Jaffray, has attempted to purchase an iPhone 5 by logging on to the official Apple website at least an hour after Apple allows customers to reserve the devices, which are to be picked up the following day at Apple stores. 

 However, the attempt was not fruitful as he and even some of his co-workers, were unable to purchase the phone using that method.

 Somehow, Gene Munster and his co-workers were able to reserve some iPhone 5’s to be picked up the next day, but they had to ensure that they logged on at exactly 10p.m. They tried to reserve some more phones later however they were unable to do so. 

 Mr. Munster stated that the trial was meant to confirm whether the more causal consumer was able to reserve the phone and his efforts proved otherwise. He was also quoted asking when it would be possible for a customer to simply walk in to an Apple store and purchase the phone since the shortage seems to be escalating whilst no solution is forthcoming.

 Although in most cases, a high demand corresponding to a low supply is not necessarily a bad thing, but in Apple’s case it has led to a decline in its stock price. The company’s stock price had reached the $700 per share mark in September, decreased by 10% over the past few weeks.  As at Tuesday, Apple’s stock price closed at a dismal $635.85. In addition, the company’s online stores have shown that shipping of the new iPhone 5 has been delayed by about 3-4 weeks, which is a very bad sign indeed.
The shortage of iPhone 5’s has generally eclipsed the sales lift that Apple would have otherwise gained from the release of the iPad Mini. The smaller and more affordable iPad is set to be released in the near future though the investors are still primarily focused on the supply problems with the iPhone 5.